Treated Timber Cooling tower has long been used as a structural member in cooling towers and as fill material when incoming hot water temperature is very high, making PVC unsuitable. Low cost and compliance with industry standards makestimber ideal for use in cooling towers. However, not alltimbers are suitable for use in cooling towers. Load-bearing capacities, dimensional stability, natural durability and proper treatment are some major concerns when selecting timber.
CCA (copper chromate arsenic) treated timber / wood Cooling Towers have proven themselves the worldover. These timber / wood Cooling Towers are available in induced draft cross flow & induced draft counter flow design. Water handling capacity ranges f477ter varies from 1500 mm to 10000 mm. Different models have different Air Travels, Fill height, Fill pattern, Fan diameter, etc. in cross flow design AND varied Fill height, Fill design, etc. in counter flow design.
Timber Cooling towers are useful for chemical plants, air conditioning plants, induction furnace, injection moulding machine, chilling plants, oxygen plants. diesel generating sets and heat exchangers. And also for steel industries, cement industries, chemical industries, and water effluent treatment industries.
Why choose our Treated timber cooling tower?
Dimensional stability
Wood undergoes alternate cycles of swelling and shrinking due to wetting and drying. Expansion and contraction are exhibited in different directions; this develops a non-uniform stress in the support and necessitates the use of a species of wood with high dimensional stability, of
which Douglas fir exhibits high values.
Cooling towers are not the kind of commodities which are replaced frequently. The same tower is used for decades.Hence, they require high durability and need to be immune to biological and chemical attack. Douglas fir is naturally highly durable, refractory and provides high resistance to decay
Vibration during operation
The wood structure holds the tower and all its components in place and resists vibration during operation, thereby protecting the structural and functional integrity of the tower. Vibrations, if left unchecked, may cause great harm to the components of the cooling tower.
Sagging of support
If the wood support is not strong enough, it may cause the structure to sag. This can throw mechanical equipment out of line and even cause the tower to fall. Douglas fir has very high stress-bearing properties due to which sagging can be ruled out.