Tags: Fluid heat exchangers

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Heat Exchanger Manufacturers in Trichy, Tamilnadu

Heat Exchanger Manufacturers   Introduction: Heat exchangers are defined as devices that transfer heat from one liquid or gaseous substance to another in order to change the temperature of the substance for another process. Heat exchangers are constructed with thermally conducted tubes or plates. Heat exchangers are commonly used to transfer...

Compressor Cooler in Coimbatore

Compressor Cooler The process of Compressor Cooler produces energy which is manifested as heat. The heat is removed before use (or further compression), hence the introduction of pre cooler, inter coolers and after coolers. TIPO coils offer high quality Compressor Cooler that is highly appreciated for long lasting life and good performance in air...

Air Cooler in Vellore, Tamilnadu

Air cooler Introduction: Our Tipo product designs too meet the latest and most demanding customer needs. Taking the culture of product perfection to consumer needs. Products are designed keeping in mind that the features should add more value to consumer need. There by ensuring cool, clean and breathable air. Also a specially designed ‘Completely...

Marine Cooler Heat Exchangers Thiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu

Marine Cooler Heat Exchangers Product Description Tipo Marine cooler heat exchangers are the most common way to cool a boat’s engine, using the lake, river or ocean water in which the boat floats. This high quality of marine Cooler heat exchanger has copper-nickel tubes and end caps to resist corrosion and marine growth. Only the […]

Plate Finned Type Heat Exchanger

Plate finned type Heat Exchanger Introduction Tipo Plate finned type Heat Exchanger is often categorized as a compact heat exchanger to emphasise its relatively high heat transfer surface area to volume ratio.  A plate-fin heat exchanger is a type of heat exchanger design that uses plates and finned chambers to transfer heat between fluids. The...

Plate Finned Type Heat Exchanger

Plate finned type Heat Exchanger Introduction Tipo Plate finned type Heat Exchanger is often categorized as a compact heat exchanger to emphasise its relatively high heat transfer surface area to volume ratio.  A plate-fin heat exchanger is a type of heat exchanger design that uses plates and finned chambers to transfer heat between fluids. The...

Air Cooled Condenser in Madurai, Tamilnadu

Air cooled Condenser Introduction Air cooled Condensation system of cooling water surrounding air as the coolant is common in many condensers. In systems involving heat transfer, a condenser is a device unit used to condense a substance from its gaseous to its liquid state, typically by cooling it. It is  latent heat is given up […]
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