Tags: Fluid heat exchangers

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Basic Modes of heat exchangers

BASIC MODES OF HEAT EXCHANGERS Heat transfer occurs when a temperature gradient exists within a system. Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one state to another and transferred between different media. In basic heat exchange, there are three modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection and...

Cooling Tower Processes

Cooling Tower Processes Cooling Towers Efficient cooling of water or other liquids or condensation of steam or other vapours with atmospheric air following the principles of the evaporative cooling or of the dry cooling. Dry air cooling – closed cooling circuit no water consumption no plume dissipation low pump power consumption Evaporative...


CENTRALISED AC & HUMIDIFIER A humidifier is a piece of equipment that moisturizes the air with water vapor.  However, a central humidifier is hardwired into to your home’s heating and air conditioning unit and then hooked up to the house’s plumbing. We also undertake the projects related to Centralised Air Conditioning,...

Process heat exchangers

Process Heat Exchangers With over 50 years of experience in the field of Heat Exchange Tipo Heat Exchangers can address and resolve all of your needs in air-cooled heat exchange. Tipo Heat Exchangers designs and manufactures air-cooled heat exchangers (ACHE)- also called air cooler , and finned tubes and can offer their products to chemical,...

Gas–Liquid Exchanger

About Gas–Liquid Exchanger: In Gas–Liquid Exchanger type, one fluid is a gas (more commonly, air) and the other a low-pressure liquid (more commonly, water) and are readily separable after the energy exchange. In either cooling of liquid (water) or humidification of gas (air) applications, liquid partially evaporates and the vapor is carried...

Indirect-Contact Heat Exchanger

ABOUT Indirect-Contact Heat Exchangers: In an Indirect-Contact Heat Exchangerr, the fluid streams remain separate and the heat transfers continuously through an impervious dividing wall or into and out of a wall in a transient manner. Thus, ideally, there is no direct contact between thermally interacting fluids. This type of heat exchanger, also...

Fluid heat exchangers

About Fluid heat exchangers: Fluid heat exchangers with a gas passing upwards through a shower of fluid (often water), and the fluid is then taken elsewhere before being cooled. This is commonly used for cooling gases whilst also removing certain impurities, thus solving two problems at once. It is widely used in espresso machines as […]

Regenerative Heat Exchanger

About Regenerative Heat Exchanger: In a regenerative heat exchanger, the same fluid is passed along both sides of the exchanger, which can be either a plate heat exchanger or a shell and tube heat exchanger. Because the fluid can get very hot, the exiting fluid is used to warm the incoming fluid, maintaining a near […]

Recuperative Heat Exchangers

About Recuperative Heat Exchangers: The two types of heat exchangers most used are the Pre-heat systems, the Recuperative heat exchangers and Regenerative heat exchange type systems. Recuperative systems are also known as shell and tube type heat exchangers. In these heat exchangers, a stream of cold process gas passes through a series of tubes and...

Fluid heat exchangers

About Fluid heat exchangers: Fluid heat exchangers with a gas passing upwards through a shower of fluid (often water), and the fluid is then taken elsewhere before being cooled. This is commonly used for cooling gases whilst also removing certain impurities, thus solving two problems at once. It is widely used in espresso machines as […]

Pillow plate heat exchanger

ABOUT PILLOW PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER: A pillow plate heat exchanger is commonly used in the dairy industry for cooling milk in large direct-expansion stainless steel bulk tanks. The pillow plate allows for cooling across nearly the entire surface area of the tank, without gaps that would occur between pipes welded to the exterior of the […]

Microchannel heat exchangers

About Microchannel heat exchangers: Microchannel heat excahngers are heat exchangers in which (at least one) fluid flows in lateral confinements with typical dimensions below 1 mm. The most typical such confinement are microchannels, which are channels with hydraulic diameter  below 1 mm. Microchannel heat exchangers can be made from metal,...

Direct contact heat exchangers

About Direct Heat Exchangers: Direct contact heat exchangers involve heat transfer between hot and cold streams of two phases in the absence of a separating wall. Thus such heat exchangers can be classified as: Gas – liquid Immiscible liquid – liquid Solid-liquid or solid – gas Descripition: Most direct contact heat exchangers fall under the...

Phase-change heat exchangers

About Phase-change heat exchangers: Phase-change heat exchangers is to heating up or cooling down fluids in just a single phase, heat exchangers can be used either to heat a liquid to evaporate (or boil) it or used as condensor to cool a vapor  and condense  it to a liquid. In chemical plants  and refineries ,reboilers  […]

Dynamic scraped surface heat exchanger

ABOUT DYNAMIC SCRAPED SURFACE HEAT EXCHANGER: Dynamic scraped surface heat exchanger is mainly used for heating or cooling with high-viscosity products, crystallization  processes, evaporation  and high-fouling applications. Long running times are achieved due to the continuous scraping of the surface, thus avoiding fouling and achieving a...

Fin Fan Cooler

Fin fan cooler is usually considered clean service, although some customers will specify an airside-fouling factor as a result of airborne contaminants. Usually a fouling factor is only included for the process side of the cooler. The fouling factor is actually a resistance to heat transfer and is actually added to the other resistances due...

Hydraulic Oil Cooler

Hydraulic oil cooler mechanical power can be generated in various ways, and electrical as well as pneumatic systems are alternatives to hydraulic power generation systems. Mechanical power is used in a variety of applications such as pumps, motors and valves. The pump converts a small amount of mechanical power into hydraulic power, the valve...

Water heat exchanger

Water Heat Exchanger and other related products for the HVAC and process industries. We provide low maintenance and durable water Heat Exchanger with unique designs and high heat transfer rates. Not only will our Heat Exchanger work for your industrial or residential environment, however severe the conditions, they will require very little...

Double Pipe Heat Exchanger

A Double pipe heat exchanger is one of the simplest form of Shell and Tubular Heat Exchanger. Here, just one pipe inside another larger pipe. To make an Unit very Compact, The Arrangement is made Multiple Times and Continues Serial and Parallel flow. One fluid flows through the inside pipe and the other flows through […]

Aluminium Heat Exchanger

Aluminium Heat Exchanger is a device built for efficient heat transfer from one fluid to another, whether the fluids are separated by a solid wall so that they never mix, or the fluids are directly contacted. When selecting a Aluminium Heat Exchanger technology, coolant compatibility with wetted surfaces must be considered. A copper fluid path...


Cross flow cooling tower offer excellent, easy accessibility of all key components such as fill, drift eliminators, mechanical equipment and water distribution system. This takes out a lot of the hassle for your maintenance personnel. Tipo Heat Exchangers Cooling Towers’ cross flow cooling tower are available in various cell sizes and various...


FRP Square Type Cooling Tower belong to the Counter-Flow Square Shaped Cooling towers. The main features of FRP Square Type Cooling Tower are even water distribution through solid nozzles, minimum drift loss, etc. Our FRP Square Type Cooling Tower is manufactured using the best quality raw-material and consumes less power. We provide FRP Square...
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