
Heat Exchanger Manufacturer in Coimbatore

Tubular exchangers are in general designed in accordance with various standardsand codes, such as the standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association(TEMA) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME – API Unfired PressureVessel Code. Standards devised and accepted by TEMA are available covering in detail thematerials,...

Heat Exchanger supplier in uae

Approximately 70-80% of the heat exchanger market is held by the shell-and-tube type heat exchanger. It is largely favored due to its long performance history, relative simplicity, and its wide temperature and pressure design ranges. In essence, a shell-and-tube exchanger is a pressure vessel with many tubes inside. One process fluid flow through...

Closed Circuit cooling tower manufacturer in UAE

A cooling tower is a specialized heat exchanger in which air and water are brought into direct contact with each other in order to reduce the water’s temperature. As this occurs, a small volume of water is evaporated, reducing the temperature of the water being circulated through the tower. Water, which has been heated by […]

Difference between heat exchangers and interchanger

A heat exchanger is an apparatus that is used for heat recovery that means it is used to transfer heat from two fluids. The difference between a heat exchanger and condenser is the purpose of the state change of the substance (liquid or vapors). Heat Interchanger: The use of heat interchangers, either as an aid […]

Air conditioning plants

Air conditioning plants Air conditioning systems control the temperature, humidity, air movement and air cleanliness inside a building, in order to provide occupants a comfortable environment with good indoor air quality. In general, air conditioning system can be categorized into room coolers and centralized systems. Room coolers, such as window...

Cooling tower condenser water

Cooling Tower and Condenser Water Design Part 1: The Refrigeration Cycle Cooling towers are simple mechanisms.  Their operation is based on the natural occurrence of evaporative cooling – something most of us have experienced daily since the first time we got wet and felt a chill. But despite their simplicity, cooling towers play a crucial...


A properly designed Graham Condenser between the process and vacuum producing equipment will yield significant advantages. The use of a process vacuum condenser can permit significant reduction in the size of the vacuum producing equipment. A condenser can recover for reuse valuable product that’s carried from the process with non-condensable...