Tipo Heat Exchangers Manufacturers, Cooling Towers Manufacturers, and Industrial Chillers Manufacturers

Scroll Chiller

Scroll Chiller


Tipo are growing as one of the trusted manufacturers and exporters of an extensive range of Scroll Chillers. We offer Air Cooled Scroll Chiller and Water Cooled Scroll Chiller under this category. They use liquid refrigerant which absorbs the heat of water to reduce the temperature. These chillers are comprised of condenser, cistern, dry filter, evaporator, refrigerant and thermal expansion valve.  Also known as orbiting positive displacement compressors, they are highly appreciated for their energy saving nature.


Types of Scroll Chillers:

Air-Cooled Scroll Chillers:

The Air-cooled Scroll Chillers are known for high energy efficiency. These are specially designed to work well within the extreme tropical weather conditions. The chillers are tested in compliance with the international standards of the industry.



Water Cooled Scroll Chillers:

Water-cooled scroll chillers boast of being environment friendly. These are easy to install and can work well in tropical weather conditions. The scroll chillers are designed and tested on international quality standards.




Air Cooled Cooled Scroll Chiller

Water Cooled Scroll Chiller