

Plate exchanger is made by stacking several thin metallic plates together to form flow channels, they exchange only heat between the air streams. The metallic plates can be flat or corrugated and the flow configurations can be parallel flow, counter flow, or cross flow, depending on the requirement.

Generally, this type of exchanger is a non-contact type, and its sensible effectiveness is highly dependent on the geometry and the material of the plate

Plate heat exchangers are used to transfer heat from one fluid to another when cross contamination needs to be avoided. A plate heat exchanger is made out of several thin metal plates that are stacked or brazed in parallel to each other and formed into a hollow metallic shell. Each plate usually consists of different pressed patterns that are surrounded with gaskets to control the fluid flow and produce turbulence for better heat transfer. The gaskets are arranged in such a way that allows only one type of fluid to flow through one gap, while the other fluid gets directed through the adjacent gap.  between every two consecutive plates a space or passage has been implemented that makes the hot and cold fluids flow along and through the plane of the plates.