Bottle Shape Induced Draft Cooling Towers:
Bottle shape Induced draft cooling towers utilize a counter-flow design to provide for inherently better performance and easier maintenance. The bottle shape induced draft cooling tower offers the most effective and economical solution to most of cooling needs. Harmon has supplied numerous. Bottle shape Induced draft cooling towers catch attention due to their excellent designs, fine finish, and sophisticated look. We believe in offering quality services to our clients and to meet the demands of our customers, we have team of experienced professionals and through our dedication in this field, we have emerged as one of the leading organization. We procure premium quality raw material from the trusted vendors of the market only.

Bottle shape Induced draft Cooling tower is cooling water returns in a warm state from the process and enters at the top of the cooling tower under pressure to be distributed through the fill pack. Simultaneously, air is drawn in at the base of the tower by the fan and travels upward to mix with the water where some evaporation takes place, removing heat from the remainder. The warm moist air is discharged to atmosphere. This cooling Towers is having mechanical Fan and the water is cooled with the help of mechanical Fan motor. Mechanical cooling towers provide better thermal performance, low drift loss suitable for the current water scarce world. Bottle shape Induced draft cooling towers are having the highest Delta T and greater efficiency and lower & easy maintenance cost. Bottle shape Induced draft cooling towers has both single side and double side air intake. So, depends upon the site condition you can prepare the model of the tower. Induced draft cooling towers can be used for which ever quantity of water-cooling by extending the size and lengths by increasing the Standard Size Pressure treated wooden frames. Design of bottle shape induced draft cooling towers is a mechanical draft cooling tower with a fan at the discharge which pulls air through tower. The fan induces hot moist air out the discharge. This produces low entering and high exiting air velocities, reducing the possibility of re circulation in which discharged air flows back into the air intake.
- Elegantly profiled – Harrison FRP cooling towers are available in three pleasing shades to suit individual taste and environment.
- Light Weight – Allows roof installation and saves on structural s and masonry.
- Scientific Design – The bottle shaped body is designed for optimum performance eliminating dead pockets and for longer life in adverse climatic conditions.
- Vertical Induced Draft Counter Flow – Uniform air distribution resulting in heat dissipation.
- Direct Driven Axial Flow Fan – Aerodynamically designed to achieve high efficiency. Adjustable aluminum blades facilitate large air flow at low static pressure and lower noise level
- Honeycomb PVC Fills – Extended contact area. Splits incoming air and water into several streams spread evenly across the cross section of the tower enhancing the rate of heat transfer.
- Rotary sprinkler – Sprinkler head made of aluminum alloy fitted with sealed ball bearing to take care of thrust and radial loads.
- Blade rotary drift eliminator reduces carry over losses and spray entertainment.
- Leak Proof FRP Basins – Deep sump basin with additional stiffeners. Avoids spillage and seepage of water. Area around the tower dry at all time.
- Modular Construction – Easy assembly and dismantling direct access to internal parts and easy maintenance.
- Corrosion Resistant – Inert to all chemical fumes. Reduced maintenance costs
- Longer Lasting – more than Conventional towers.
- Algae Free – Minimal cleaning. Saving in chemical treatment costs.
- Ageing. Curtails expenditure on replacement of Parts.
- Low Mark Up Volume – lower drift losses hence lower make up water requirement. Scientifically Designed Piping – Inlet/outlet connections conveniently located to simplify plumbing and improved overall appearance.
- Chemical Resistance
- Part Consolidation
- Durability
- Incombustible
- Low Maintenance
- Minimum Drift Loss of Water
- High strength.