Air Compressor Aftercooler heat Exchanger is for cooling the discharge from a air compressor. They use either air or water and are an effective means of removing moisture from compressed air. After coolers control the amount of water vapor in a compressed air system by condensing the water vapor into liquid form. In a distribution or process manufacturing system, liquid water can cause significant damage to the equipment that uses compressed air. It is necessary to ensure the proper functionality of pneumatic or air handling devices that are a part of process manufacturing systems. Its can use either air-cooled or water-cooled mechanisms.
An air driven motor impeller forces cooling air through the Compressor After cooler and reduces the temperature of the compressed air by approximately 18º Fahrenheit (10º centigrade). The air motor is driven by compressed air taken from the downstream side of the water separator and passes through a filter-regulator-lubricator assembly prior to entering the air motor. The Air Compressor After cooler Heat Exchanger is fitted with cam action quick release air hose couplings for easy fitting to interconnection air hoses normally supplied by GMP Products with a Tornado Cable Blowing Machine. Waste oil/water mixtures are collected in a frame mounted drain can for environmentally acceptable disposal.
Benefits Of Air Compressor After cooler Heat Exchanger
- When air is compressed it is heated up to as high as 350 degrees causing water to turn to vapour and become suspended. The after cooler cools compressed air down to within 15 degrees above ambient temperature. This substantially reduces the water and other contaminants in your air supply, as water will be reduced by 1/2 for every 20 degree reduction in temperature.
- Reduces moisture build up in air lines
- Reduces rust inside air lines
- Reduces rust inside air tools
- Reduces product spoilage
- Reduces potential for water to wash out lubricants from tools
Advantages Of Air Compressor Aftercooler Heat Exchanger:
- Full line of sizes and features
- Energy efficient
- High performance
- Medium flows 80-300 CFM
- Horizontal air flow
- Optional weatherproof junction box
- Floor or suspended mounting
- Optional TEFC motor(s)
- Ratings based on comprehensive testing
- Wired for single point
Applications Of Air Compressor Aftercooler Heat Exchanger
- Power plants
- Chemical plants
- Petrochemical plants
- Petroleum refineries
- Natural gas processing
- Textile Industries
- Plastic Industries
- Engineering Industries
Image Of Air Compressor After cool Heat Exchanger: