Monthly Archives: July 2017

Industrial Chiller

Type of Chiller Vapor Compression Chillers The vapor-compression chillers uses a circulating liquid refrigerant as the medium which absorbs and removes heat from the space to be cooled and subsequently rejects that heat elsewhere. Industrial Chillers Tipo Heat Exchangers has a long history of cooling critical process facilities and Process of...

300TR FRP Cooling Tower

300TR Cooling Towers Bottle shape Cooling Towers Round shape cooling tower gives 100% cooling efficiencies it’s give good appearance flow rate from 5 M³/Hr To 550 M³/Hr gives differences in temperature 4ºC To30 ºC Availability of Capacities from 5 TR T0 600 TR. Square Shape Cooling Towers Square Shape Cooling Tower or square type cooling...

250TR FRP Cooling Towers

250TR Cooling Towers Bottle shape Cooling Towers Round shape cooling tower gives 100% cooling efficiencies it’s give good appearance flow rate from 5 M³/Hr To 550 M³/Hr gives differences in temperature 4ºC To30 ºC Availability of Capacities from 5 TR T0 600 TR. Square Shape Cooling Towers Square Shape Cooling Tower or square type cooling...

200TR FRP Cooling Towers

200TR Cooling Towers Bottle shape Cooling Towers Round shape cooling tower gives 100% cooling efficiencies it’s give good appearance flow rate from 5 M³/Hr To 550 M³/Hr gives differences in temperature 4ºC To30 ºC Availability of Capacities from 5 TR T0 600 TR. Square Shape Cooling Towers Square Shape Cooling Tower or square type cooling...

150TR FRP Cooling Towers

150 TR Cooling Towers Bottle shape Cooling Towers Round shape cooling tower gives 100% cooling efficiencies it’s give good appearance flow rate from 5 M³/Hr To 550 M³/Hr gives differences in temperature 4ºC To30 ºC Availability of Capacities from 5 TR T0 600 TR. Square Shape Cooling Towers Square Shape Cooling Tower or square type […]
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